"As Bread of Life is serving a record number of families in our 40-year history, the need for nutritious food is greater than ever. Because of the great work of The Food Drive, Bread of Life's families now have access to fruits, vegetables, bread and other healthy food items."
~ Patty Kelly, Director of Development, Bread of Life
“We here at the Warming Center are grateful for all of the #zerowaste food donations from The Food Drive. Our guests have benefited greatly.”
~ Linda Cochran, Malden Warming Center
“We are so grateful for the support from The Food Drive for our individual shelter residents! This delicious, high-quality food helps keep spirits high - and meaningful partnerships help make our community stronger.”
~ Tom Southerton, Housing Families
"Thank you to The Food Drive for your continued support & your commitment to Hunger Relief!"
~ Irene Cardillo, Executive Director, Everett Grace Food Pantry & Outreach
"The people were so very kind...I felt only love, not judgment. I used to go elsewhere in fear of encountering people who knew me or worse, my mom, as she would've been mortified that I was supplementing our thin grocery with donations. I was embarrassed but they made me feel as though it was perfectly natural. There's something very base about feeding others. Giving life & love through food.”
~ Sunday Free Meal Distribution Program recipient